Machine Installation & Relocation

What We Do - Machine Installation & Relocation

Corby Steel Fabrications offers a wealth of experience in machine installation and relocation. Our team of skilled professionals can handle projects of all sizes, from moving a single machine to relocating an entire production plant. We prioritise safety and efficiency throughout the entire process.

Seamless Project Management

Our dedicated project managers work closely with your team to ensure a smooth and efficient relocation. We take a systematic approach, planning every aspect of the project in advance to avoid delays. This includes:

  • On-site Consultation: A project manager visits your site to discuss your specific requirements and develop a customised plan.
  • Transparent Quotations: You’ll receive a detailed quote outlining the scope of work and associated costs.
  • Risk Assessments & Planning: We conduct thorough risk assessments and develop project-specific method statements, lift plans, and safe systems of work. This ensures all necessary equipment and safety protocols are in place before we begin.

Production line Machine relocation

As your manufacturing plant expands or adapts, Corby Steel Fabrications is here to streamline your production line relocation. Our team understands the challenges of growth, and we have the expertise to move entire lines or specific sections efficiently.

Modernisation Made Easy

Production line relocations are an ideal opportunity to upgrade your equipment. We can identify outdated machinery during the planning process and help you remove or replace it as needed. This ensures your relocated line operates at peak efficiency with the latest technology.

Expert Planning, Minimised Downtime

Our experienced project managers work closely with both your management and production teams. This collaborative approach allows for thorough pre-relocation planning, minimising downtime and ensuring a smooth transition.

By planning meticulously, we can hit the ground running on relocation day, maximising your productivity and getting your new line operational quickly.

Technical, Heavy component & equipment moves

At Corby Steel Fabrications, we understand the importance of safeguarding your valuable machinery during relocation. Our technical and heavy component moving service provides complete peace of mind.

Meticulous Planning, Safe Execution

Our experienced project management team meticulously plans every move. This includes:

  • Equipment Assessment: We thoroughly examine the machinery involved to determine the safest and most efficient relocation methods.
  • Safe Systems Development: We create project-specific safe systems of work, ensuring the secure transit of your heavy equipment and components.

Proven Track Record of Success

Our history speaks for itself. We have a consistent record of completing complex relocations safely and on schedule. This is a testament to the expertise and reliability of our project management and moving teams.

Let us handle the heavy lifting – so you can focus on what matters most.

Transportation of machinery, plant and equipment

As industrial manufacturing plants develop and grow, the need to relocate particular sections or entire production lines may be necessary. Our relocation teams have the experience, knowledge and skills to carry out all production line moving and relocating. As technology advances, some in-line equipment may become outdated and redundant thus giving an opportunity to be removed or replaced at the time of production line relocation.
Our experienced project managers liaise with clients and production managers to ensure all pre-relocation planning is carried prior to commencement. This enables us to ensure time efficiency once the project commences.

Air Caster Machine Installation & Relocation - In Action

Air Caster (Air Bearing or Air Skate) Machine Installation & Relocation instruction video. How Air Casters work and how to move heavy loads.